Thursday, October 29, 2015

That, This

From one of last verses in Mormon 7:

"this is written for the intent that ye may believe that; and if ye believe that ye will believe this also; and if ye believe this ye will know"

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

O Ye Fair Ones

The people knew only death and knew of their pending, future doom. And his "ten thousand slain, destroyed or fallen" by the sword in their arms witnessed by Mormon multiple times certainly caused him to say and hope, “O ye fair ones, how could ye have departed from the ways of the Lord! O ye fair ones, how could ye have rejected that Jesus, who stood with open arms to receive you!”

“For behold, this is written for the intent that ye may believe that; and if ye believe that ye will believe this also; and if ye believe this ye will know concerning your fathers, and also the marvelous works which were wrought by the power of God among them.”

Mormon 6,7

Keeping our focus in believing on him will only reveal his marvelous power.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Gospel Football

A speaker at church mentioned this list:

Football metaphors associated with the gospel:

Gear up; tools or equipment used as protection against temptations 

Greatest Coach, Jesus Christ always defending and motivating

Build up your teammates, edifying each other

Use of the playbook whether you win or lose; always striving to be like the Savior

Friday, October 23, 2015

Temple Visit

So much can be learned by going to the temple. It puts perspective and focus to your path.  It gives you knowledge to prove faithful until your next visit.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2

Monday, October 19, 2015

Carrots And A Blue Balloon

What makes me smile is seeing my little granddaughter carrying carrots, and my grandson holding his blue balloon in his car seat on a long road trip.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Mother Intuition

This morning was beyond my imagination of what happened.  

As on a walk in the yard with our twin neices, little Sam triggered a swarm of bees. In the panic, bees engulfed us. I tried to swat them away from Sam because I could not pick her up and run with my condition.  I saw a batch of bees on Sam's shoulder, I fanned them off. All I could say was "run" to her and Annie, and yell for help while I fell to the ground swatting bees from me as well. Amazingly Tille heard my faint sound of help in the house, and ran outside to rescue Sam.

Tille's aid, a mothers instinct to hear, saved Sam and Annie, especially Sam from a very far worse and threatening situation.  Then again, instincts kicked in from Tille's Mother at school, and her sister Jony from her home, both to come aid, help and be a calming influence of comfort. And Pezy grabbing Annie.


Don't ask for a hot dog at a German delicatessen because all you will get is a small stick of meat without a bun, and a weird look.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Bear G.

This thought by Bear G. reminded me of the Wright Brothers courage. "Faith and fear may sail into your harbor, but only allow faith to drop anchor." Bear G.

Learned At Church

I learned that the best part of our worship on Sunday is just plain singing hymns.  It really makes participation a delight when singing. When you sing pay attention to the words you are voicing.  A sermon can be teaching you from phrase to phrase or measure to measure.  "Lead kindly light" and "master the tempest is raging" have profound messages for us to remember- Lead thou me on, and Peace, be still.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Power Of Two

The story of the Wright Brothers is truly inspirational.  They were hardworking, determined, and relentless in solving human flight.  They were mostly self taught. Reviewing theories and science with themselves.  Such from books in their library at home. Once they obtained flight they were more anxious to even fly further and faster.  I was inspired how they authentically rested from work on Sunday.  It was something how there testing and results were constantly reviewed, photographed and recorded.  Europe especially captured the flight craze- in circus like fashion to see Wilbur fly.  I feel we can learn from them.  And they did it mostly with means from there small bicycle shop.

It was if modern flight could not have been pursued any faster by just one, it had to be two. One to be attached to the plane, and the other to follow and catch and push at the start and stops; and two to review patterns, concepts and model. Even they were caught often imitating bird species in flight. They involved people in the fun, science, thrill, and danger of flight. They inspired victory over people's imagination to fly for years, a reality. Real life Chitty Chitty Bang Bangs they were.

By flight, they expanded the globe by transporting all of us faster to each other and to far places now reached.  

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


I have been thinking it over.  The topic of "kindness" has been mulling around my mind.  It was heightened at the temple today when a brother was telling me of a couple of wheelchairs available when needed for patrons. He was very helpful and he went beyond his normal service to share with me the information.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Topical Dive Subject

A scriptural dive for a topic to study this month can be a searching experience. Think it over the next few days.  Make it a matter of prayer. Get on your knees- pray, or even it exercises your mind during parts of your day that may be slow, to come up with a topic. What areas of my life need help or what topic am I curious about? Begin now, and keep your swim goggles on.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Another Add-On

Ponderizing is a great personal tool;  elevate it further by memorizing "script-ions"- conference talk memes. 

Friday, October 2, 2015


Packaging your heart sometimes takes a good taping job.