Thursday, September 21, 2017

Number Building Blocks

In Ezekiel 40: Ezekiel in revelation described the temple.  This view of the Gilbert Arizona Temple portrays many of the themes Ezekiel is thus inspiring- his measurements certainly building in ones mind a majestic temple like this one.  

As an exercise, take all his numbers and determine each numbers symbolic message?

Friday, September 8, 2017

Bulls Eye of the Cross Scriptural Symbolism Post

Image result for bulls eye

"his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob". Genesis 49:24

 "made strong by the mighty God of Jacob" stating boldly that "the Lord is able to deliver us, even as our fathers". I Nephi 4:1-3

Lehi taught this biblical concept to his sons- "power from his progenitors" as revealed from Joseph of old.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Cross Scriptural Symbolism

Often cross scriptural symbolism can be identified. Here is an example: Joseph was promised a "fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well; whose branches run over the wall"... continued... "his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob". Genesis 49:24

Now, recall the three stories of Nephi in the Book of Mormon:

1. "who were without the walls" I Nephi 4:5
2. "we did take our bows and our arrows" I Nephi 16:14
3. "the bands were loosed from off my hands" I Nephi 7:18

In summing up Nephi used similar language like unto Joseph "made strong by the mighty God of Jacob" stating boldly that "the Lord is able to deliver us, even as our fathers". I Nephi 4:1-3