Monday, April 23, 2018


I found the following truthful insight regarding Moroni chapter 10-quoted from a scholar type,


“Behind the creation formula lies a royal formula of enthronement. To be taken “from the dust” means to be elevated from obscurity to royal office and to return to dust means to be deprived of that office and returned to obscurity. Since the royal office depends upon covenant with the appropriate god, to be taken from the dust means to be accepted as a covenant-partner and treated graciously; to return to the dust means to lose that covenant relation. … To die and be raised is to be out of covenant and then back in covenant. So also to be “from dust” is to enter into a covenant and to return “to dust” is to have the covenant voided. Dust is not to be taken literally but as a figure for being out of covenant, impotent, and unimportant, or as Wijngaards has suggested, “dead.” The dramatic movement of dust to life to dust [Genesis 2:7, 3:9, 1 Kings 16:2–3] is in fact imagery describing the fortune and standing of the royal occupant.13

See Moroni 10:34- Moroni touching upon his “pleasing bar”- enthronement 

Quoted by Moroni 
Verse 31: arise from  the dust

I like this interpretation.
From Mormon Interpreter, Lindsey

Friday, April 20, 2018


Finding charts is one of the best and fun ways to study: check out these links, they are awesome-

Scriptureman promotes reading charts. Here are a couple of sites this super hero recommends:

Circle: Daily Reading Planner for the Book of Mormon by QZero Labs

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Temple Mirrors

I liken ones effort in family history work to the faith required with the Lord, as the brother of Jared in a dish lit by his stones of transparent glass (like temple mirrors) which guided his family eventually to the promised land (helping one to number”th” generations- see next). 
Ether 3:1; 2:13

Elder Gerrit Gong demonstrates this through his effort in family history- “in temple mirrors of eternity, I reflected on First Dragon Gong, born a.d. 837 (late Tang dynasty) in southern China and the succeeding Gong family generations to my father, our family’s 32nd recorded generation. My brother, sister, and I are in our family’s 33rd generation; my sons and their cousins, the 34th generation; our grandson, the 35th recorded Gong family generation. In temple mirrors of eternity, I could not see a beginning or end of generations.”

The Jaredites most likely traveled this late Tang dynasty region in China, the west to east, to the finding of stones at Mount Shelem (perhaps Mount Toa in China).

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Ah, I

The "ah" has always fascinated me in scriptural names. You see it all over, Isaiah, Nehemiah, and Jeremiah, and other prophets in the Bible, then in the Book of Mormon- Gilgah, Mahah, and Orihah. Such root expresses God saves, God anoints, princess of God- Sariah. Now what about the root "i" like in Lehi, Malachi, Nephi, and Moroni- "i"= my, like my messenger, my servant, my power and so forth.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Forged Friendship

The time has come to select a new set of conference quotes to memorize. They have become friends, as this quote below mentions:

"To memorize a scripture is to forge a new friendship. It is like discovering a new individual who can help in time of need, give inspiration and comfort, and be a source of motivation for needed change."
Richard G. Scott

To find new ones, a phase of reflection, a period of determining personal examination is required. The next step is writing them on 3 x 5 cards. 

Sunday, April 1, 2018


Another great list:

Nothing opens the heavens quite like the combination of increased purity, exact obedience, earnest seeking, daily feasting on the words of Christ in the Book of Mormon, and regular time committed to temple and family history work. - President @NelsonRussellM 


Those 'seemingly insignificant' private decisions include:
-How we use our time
-TV and internet use
-What we read
-Art and Music
-What we seek for entertainment
-How we apply our commitment to be honest and truthful
-Choosing to be cheerful 

#ElderOaks #LDSconf