Friday, February 7, 2020

Personal Vision

What has been my personal vision: thoughts- 

172 Hymn, "Let thy glory round us shine", In Humility Our Savior

Joseph Smith beheld such glory.  We may not have that dispensational vision- But we can feel of its power.  Borrow it, I suppose.  Feel its peace- visualize it. However, near noteable- personal, as the clothe is taken up and over, and over and up again- to our minds-to witness and remember this work again, viewing the sacrament emblem experience. Ours, a situational vision to our mind- of my state- a presence of God, perhaps. To a mind, a vision appeared in my beating heart, of what- comfort, assurance, brotherly warmth of Jesus.

  • meager attempts to give me reflection of Christ, Jesus

in the words of Shakespeare:
His life was gentle, and the elements
So mix’d in him that Nature might stand up
And say to all the world “This was a man!”

standing at general priesthood meeting singing

fathers talk 1992, "Be Men"
“Arise from the dust, … and be men.” (2 Ne. 1:21; italics added.)

Learned At Church

Fast and testimony meeting:

Doug : "if you struggle in your testimony, you can rely on mine", "I knew it was true at the age of 14, in my room on my bed as I read the scriptures".

Brent: "spring does come,"- likes groundhog day.  He cited 'However late you think you are, however many ... have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ's Atonement shines.”. Jeffrey R. Holland

Dave testified of his joy of music, and his opportunity of being chorister in Primary.

Special meeting at the stake center, 2:30 pm- divided Draper 6th ward, Draper 8th ward formed.