Thursday, July 7, 2016

At Church

I overheard the funniest comment from a sister in our congregation, as she was talking to her neighbor, "You would tell me if I had curly hairs growing from my face".

Then a speaker gave this joke:

There was a doctor, an educator, a minister and boy on a plane.  The plane was ready to crash, and the pilot said that they only had three parachutes for use.  They decided?  The doctor said I will take this one because I can solve medical problems in the world, the educator said I will take this one because I will educate the world .  Then the minister said well the world needs redemption, I will take the final parachute.  “Oh, that will be fine”, said the boy, “I’ll take this one because the educator went out with my backpack”.


  1. Isn't having a parachute in our lives, like unto having the the blessings of the gospel to help guide us back to the presence of our Father in Heaven.

  2. We need to be intune to grab the right bag when we are really in need of it!
