Thursday, February 23, 2017

True Growth And Enlightenment

Building a scriptural study pattern is a very important trait to inherit in your learning. Such an outgrowth or pattern causes your study to be a hardened habit. Pick a solid and consistent time to study. Select a timeframe, a verse, a column, a page, a chapter, 5, 10 minutes, or even an hour.. Each day you start with an Ensign article or conference talk, move onto the Sunday School reading assignment, and finish with reading from the Book of Mormon.  Scriptural topic associations, complements, connections, and cooperatives readily appear to your mind, on paper, or even a notebook. Such items tend to align even with your current circumstances. It is a true growth, and enlightened experience. A spiritual daily feeding.

1 comment:

  1. I have found listening to the audio scriptures and general conference talks early in the morning while exercising helps me start the day in a good way.
