Sunday, March 19, 2017

How The Temple

Your attending the temple can be a powerful source of improving your scripture study.  The Holy Temple is the Lord's University. By going to the temple you acquire spiritual study habits that you don't realize.  I will share a few of the vital habits that you can acquire. Think...How does temple visits improve scriptural learning, application, comprehension, and understanding? 

ScriptureMan lists a few:

  • You become a covenant keeper. You become sensitive to this type of empowerment. The scriptures amplify this relationship. Like Nephi who went "high unto a mountain", or the woman who sought the "hem of the Savior's garment".

  • You develop the ability to relate the scriptures to you.

  • Repetitive patterns and symbols come to your mind. This causes you to remember verses and scriptures through memorization. Scripture stories come alive.

  • You learn to be humble, careful, thoughtful, observant, reverent, prayerful-reflective in your study. You learn to be teachable through the spirit.  

  • You learn to be consistent in your study times, and its purpose.

  • A strengthening, personal "ascension" type power is created through the word of the Lord.

  • You seek to teach others what you learn. And you have a increased desire to read words or works from the apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • And finally,  you see the beauty in life, the world, the universe from the scriptures witnessing to you "let there be light"!

1 comment:

  1. I feel peace when I'm within the walls of the Lord's House, while the outside world is in commotion.
