Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Indexing led me to the 1928 Warm Springs Census, the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs located in Oregon.  Their website:

The Warm Springs bands who lived along the Columbia’s tributaries spoke Sahaptin. Unlike the Wascoes, the Warm Springs bands moved between winter and summer villages, and depended more on game, roots and berries. However, salmon was also an important staple for the Warm Springs bands and, like the Wascoes, they built elaborate scaffolding over waterfalls which allowed them to harvest fish with long-handled dip nets. Contact between the Warm Springs bands and the Wascoes was frequent, and, although they spoke different languages and observed different customs, they could converse and traded heavily.
Indexing expands your knowledge- I would have never even thought of these people.  I obtained additional information from the Travel Oregon website.  I am seeking from them culinary (expand my taste for salmon), and culture information, that seems so colorful.
Related image

1 comment:

  1. We were on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation to see the full eclipse this past Summer, it was amazing. Not much of a Salmon eater but my wife likes to eat them, but I love LOBSTER!
