Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Pure And Spotless Before God

The 16 Stones in the Book of Ether, how they illuminated the vessels of the Jaredites through the darkness of the deep, in the front and back of the ship? Could this be like "someone" needing such similar like stones to carry them through some of life's sometimes dark days, beyond and behind our sometimes mis-objected view? or they even perhaps, being a guide through life's like lands of Nimrod, Moricomer, across the sea to the promised land? Is it like Neal Maxwell's comment on the obedience of the 7th commandment, as a lamp to our path ahead, and blessings from therein obeying the law? Can we identify maybe 16 or more shining gems promised, from his book "Not Withstanding My
Weakness" chapter?! Yes, #6 Being Pure and Spotless Before God.

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