Monday, November 2, 2020

Love, The Law Of

As we seek to improve our Law, a formula would be unified love.

See, 2020 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Fall Conference- Oaks

“Loyalty to established law instead of temporary “allies” is the best way to love our adversaries and our enemies as we seek unity in diversity.

Knowing that we are all children of God gives us a divine vision of the worth of all others and the will and ability to rise above prejudice and racism. As I have lived for many years in different places in this nation, the Lord has taught me that it is possible to obey and seek to improve our nation’s laws and also to love our adversaries and our enemies. While not easy, it is possible with the help of our Lord, Jesus Christ. He gave this command to love, and He promises His help as we seek to obey it.“

Saturday, October 10, 2020

First Time Reading

I’ve been fascinated about early, first time readers of the Book of Mormon.  Many couldn’t put it down.  I wanted to prove that, experience that for myself.  I’ve read the scriptural account multiple times- I’ve experienced its truth, gospel power.  It is true!  Another Testament of Jesus Christ it is.

But as you read it like a first timer, taking the earliest version,  and reading it straight through like a novel-  it speaks, and reads differently.  The characters speak to you rather than perhaps the headings, chapters and verses.  Certainly they help chronicled, cross referenced and concordanced version expands your study.  But reading it freshly transcribed, and printed- you get the personal, urgency and pointed thought that went into it by Nephi, Mormon, then Moroni.  You get the inspiration, you get a Jewish group expressing Christ living  principles. You don’t get meddled into complexing geography-you could, it’s more these people lived in a distant land, as upon “isles of the sea” And you experience a land with them, surrounded with them. Even a promised one to them.  

Read it straight through, Mark it as you go.  I guarantee it’ll speak to you.  Listen and reflect what it was written and meant for!  It’ll speak, then...

As I’ve read,  I fall into a pattern, a desire.  I want to finish it, and I can’t put it down.  In my mind, I say- what is this leading to- prophecy, visions, ancient relics, towers, hills,  battles, delivering many peoples over and over again with faith in Jesus Christ; You even “Hear Him” as announced by our Heavenly Father.

Saturday, August 1, 2020


A “spiritual defining moment” was reminded to me today when  a young family came over to the bouncy house water slide we set up in the front yard. They were a couple, and their young children that we prayed would help our daughter and husband  and their young boy as they embarked on a journey in Kansas City, a few years back- still friends and a powerful influence for good to them. To Jennifer and I,  they were that “luminous stone” that brightened our daughter’s family path ever brighter.

We knew it, and we knew that God knew that we knew that this family was sent into our young daughter’s family influence.

concepts taken, Andersen, Conference Talk, April 2020

Monday, June 22, 2020


Biopsy story

Elder Renlund in a talk gave a personal example about softening his time commitment to church and scripture reading, during his residency.  He being casual to it. He related it to a biopsy procedure during heart transplant to determine possible rejection. He said “Finally, we need to frequently biopsy our mightily changed hearts and reverse any signs of early rejection.”

Preserving the Heart’s Mighty Change

Fathers Day

1 And he spake unto the children of Israel, saying, When your children shall ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean these stones?
22 Then ye shall let your children know, saying, Israel came over this Jordan on dry land.
23 For the Lord your God dried up the waters of Jordan from before you, until ye were passed over, as the Lord your God did to the Red sea, which he dried up from before us, until we were gone over:
24 That all the people of the earth might know the hand of the Lord, that it is mighty: that ye might fear the Lord your God for ever.
Joshua 4
This is a great day for reflection- a Memorial Day of sorts for me, my dad passed away in 1999 of a massive heart attack- his birthday in June. Reflection today is only fitting for him.
He was a great athlete in his day. His kill shot, and many roll-outs in racquetball were defenseless. He is the only person I know who could demonstrate the techniques of race-walking, the triple-jump, the long jump and the straddle high jump.
To catch his various pitches was difficult, i.e. the slider, a forkball, the curve- perfectly placed in any mitt. He could place any batted ball to wherever a player was positioned on the field. He rarely missed a jump-shot. These things he could do athletically I marveled- like a caped super-hero.
One of the greatest things my Father did for me was to get me a piano and put it in our family living quarters at the mission home in Dallas, Texas in 1972. I was a young boy and started taking a disciplined approach to music. I’m sure it drove him crazy as I practiced hour after hour on it, above his mission office while he met with the missionaries. It proved to be more inspired as my Mom and I entered the Dallas Symphonic Festival in the dual piano concerto competition. We had the grand one downstairs in the large mission home meeting area, of which my Mom practiced on and I had my upright upstairs. We eventually were finalists in my age category in that piano festival. This event began my love of music, especially the piano. Thanks Pops!
An exercise that we could do today is reflect upon the influence that Father’s have had in our lives. Give your Dad a hug, and thank him!
One thing my Dad taught me was to how to polish shoes. He had a sacred shoe polishing box under his bed. On Saturdays I’d watch him polish all his shoes with precision. He eventually taught and coached me. I even got a military story from him. His shoe shine was epic, a marvel! He would show me which waxes to apply, the best brushes to wisp, and the most important part- the spit- to give it that “spit shine” finished, sparkle!! One particular Father’s Day, as a gift, I made him a wooden, deluxe shoe shine box to put all his shining materials in, a racing stripe was painted down the middle of it. He loved it.
I remember going with him to the bus depot in Ft. Worth, to pick up or transfer missionaries there. He loved to stop by the shoe shine man and get a real shoeshine there, and give him a quarter tip. I just watched, my sneakers didn’t need a shine.
Someone important said this, I believe Thomas S. Monson-
“Fatherhood is much more than a social construct or the product of evolution- It is from heaven.”
Elder Dale Renlund had this great thought, which apples in this case.
“The consistency of pleas from prophets to reflect on the goodness of God is striking. Our Heavenly Father wants us to recall His and His Beloved Son’s goodness, not for Their own gratification but for the influence such remembrance has on us. By considering Their kindness, our perspective and understanding are enlarged. By reflecting on Their compassion, we become more humble, prayerful, and steadfast.”
Well just some thoughts for you alll today. Happy Fathers Day! 

Friday, May 29, 2020

Talk Within A Talk

Consider the Goodness and Greatness of God April 2020
In many church messages, additional treasures, fruits are found:
“When we consider the goodness of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, our trust in Them increases. Our prayers change because we know God is our Father and we are His children. We seek not to change His will but to align our will with His and secure for ourselves blessings that He wants to grant, conditioned on our asking for them. We yearn to be more meek, more pure, more steadfast, more Christlike. These changes qualify us for additional heavenly blessings.
By acknowledging that every good thing comes from Jesus Christ, we will communicate our faith more effectively to others. We will have courage when confronted with seemingly impossible tasks and circumstances. We will strengthen our resolve to keep the covenants we have made to follow the Savior. We will be filled with the love of God, want to help those in need without being judgmental, love our children and raise them in righteousness, retain a remission of our sins, and always rejoice. These are the remarkable fruits of remembering God’s goodness and mercy.”

Two Centuries

“We know that two centuries after the Restoration, the spirit world now includes many mortally experienced workers to accomplish the preaching that occurs there.”
Dallin Oaks

As words spoken at my Father’s funeral. In reference to his service at the Temple-  with my Mom.

“Separation of families, with families torn apart...What will happen to us? Then to add a perdition deeper than perhaps even that is the systemic destruction of the archives or the records- the records of their families of their properties as though to erase their identities.

...together have labored to seal them,(these families) together.”
Boyd K. Packer 

As workers, They most likely provide a similar service there- in the spirit world. 

Word Definitions

Finding meaning to uncommon words within a scriptural message expand broader dimensions, for example
Cook-The Blessing of Continuing Revelation to Prophets and Personal Revelation to Guide Our Lives April 2020
“The Holy Ghost is the revealer and testifier of all truth, especially that of the Savior. Without the Holy Ghost, we could not really know that Jesus is the Christ. His seminal role is to bear witness of the Father and the Son and Their titles and Their glory.” Seminal meaning: strongly influencing later events.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Mosiah 25, And the Lord said unto me: Marvel not that all mankind, yea, men and women, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, must be born again; yea, born of God, changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters;
26 And thus they become new creatures; and unless they do this, they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God.

Who would had thought Marvel in scriptures, even speaking to become new creatures- an manifestation of one’s faith.

The book of Alma describes the profound faith of Abish, “one of the Lamanitish women” working as a servant in the king's house, who had been converted to the gospel “on account of a remarkable vision of her father” (Alma 19:16). Abish played a pivotal role in the account of King Lamoni’s conversion, as it was she who “ran forth from house to house, making it known unto the people” of Lamoni’s miraculous experience (v. 17). 

Additional Footnote

Additional footnote- expansive insight: about defining moments, like interweaving yarn or heavy thread...
From a prophet (Smith) to an apostle (Maxwell) then to another apostle (Anderson) tying thoughts together, perhaps lacing your new converse or Nikes- ready and fit.

“We sometimes speak of defining moments. Long ago in May 1945 there was such a moment for me on the island of Okinawa at age eighteen. There was certainly no heroism on my part but rather a blessing for me and others during the shelling of our position by Japanese artillery. After repeated shellings which overshot our position, the enemy artillery finally zeroed in. They should have then fired for effect, but there was a divine response to at least one frightened, selfish prayer. The shelling halted. The prayer was accompanied by my pledge of a lifetime of service—a pledge which, though imperfectly, I’ve tried to keep. With this blessing and pledge, I was nudged toward discipleship without realizing what service would be required.

“ I had been blessed, and I knew that God knew that I knew. “”
Neil A. Maxwell

“These experiences may come at pivotal times in our lives or in what may at first seem as uneventful happenings, but they are always accompanied by an exceptionally strong spiritual confirmation of the love of God.
Remembering these spiritually defining experiences takes us to our knees, declaring as did the Prophet Joseph:...“What I received was from heaven. I know it, and I know that God knows that I know it.””
Message delivered, Neil Anderson 

“Mar 27, 1994 · Each of us has been called to serve in God's kingdom. ... I knew I had been blessed, and I knew that God knew that I knew. “
Neal A. Maxwell

“I remembered the pledge after the war when my overseas savings gladly went to finance a mission. This mission, of course, was yet another step in the direction of discipleship.
Many subsequent and subtle moments have been at least as important to me as that defining moment in Okinawa. Unlike the roar and crash of artillery followed by a delivering silence, these smaller moments involve the Lord’s periodic whisperings to my mind. Over the years, these whisperings have guided me and reassured me. They give me, from time to time, in the words of the Prophet Joseph, sudden strokes of ideas and occasionally the pure flow of intelligence (see Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 151). These moments are as real for me as what happened on Okinawa. These are inward things, often taking the form of a directing phrase. I have found that the Lord gives more instructions than explanations.”
Neal A. Maxwell

Saturday, May 23, 2020


In reading scripture or spiritual literature, footnotes identified can be an excellent source of heighten perspective from the author, and expanded direction, plus counsel to the reader.
For example:

“Embrace your sacred memories. Believe them. Write them down. Share them with your family. Trust that they come to you from your Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son.“ see 24
Anderson, April 2020 General Conference-The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Friday, March 6, 2020

Ponder A Phrase

"we were desirous to bring a stratagem into effect"
Alma 56:30
Book Of Mormon


We entered the water clothed in humility-with a broken heart, and came out of the water cleansed, healed- with a resolved will.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Personal Vision

What has been my personal vision: thoughts- 

172 Hymn, "Let thy glory round us shine", In Humility Our Savior

Joseph Smith beheld such glory.  We may not have that dispensational vision- But we can feel of its power.  Borrow it, I suppose.  Feel its peace- visualize it. However, near noteable- personal, as the clothe is taken up and over, and over and up again- to our minds-to witness and remember this work again, viewing the sacrament emblem experience. Ours, a situational vision to our mind- of my state- a presence of God, perhaps. To a mind, a vision appeared in my beating heart, of what- comfort, assurance, brotherly warmth of Jesus.

  • meager attempts to give me reflection of Christ, Jesus

in the words of Shakespeare:
His life was gentle, and the elements
So mix’d in him that Nature might stand up
And say to all the world “This was a man!”

standing at general priesthood meeting singing

fathers talk 1992, "Be Men"
“Arise from the dust, … and be men.” (2 Ne. 1:21; italics added.)

Learned At Church

Fast and testimony meeting:

Doug : "if you struggle in your testimony, you can rely on mine", "I knew it was true at the age of 14, in my room on my bed as I read the scriptures".

Brent: "spring does come,"- likes groundhog day.  He cited 'However late you think you are, however many ... have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ's Atonement shines.”. Jeffrey R. Holland

Dave testified of his joy of music, and his opportunity of being chorister in Primary.

Special meeting at the stake center, 2:30 pm- divided Draper 6th ward, Draper 8th ward formed.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Learned At Church


Perspective:  Add oil like 10 virgins, and we can return to a beautiful view & have bought hiking boots for the mud.

Create more and consume less, in relationship to happiness.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Learned At Church

This post is a regular feature on Scripture Man.

Talks by Matt and Kim 

Kim stated, "we need to just keep moving along each day, and big strides are just as important". She cited this scripture, "and thus we see that by small means the Lord can bring about great things"
I Nephi 16:29

Matt stressed of how to be a everyday missionary by keeping your spiritual language the same with everyone, by helping people solve problems- showing genuine interest in other peoples issues, and by sharing what things mean, for example- he explained to a co-worker where the name Lehi came from, as the company they worked for was located in Lehi, Utah.
1 Peter 3:15
"be ready always to give an answer"