Saturday, October 10, 2020

First Time Reading

I’ve been fascinated about early, first time readers of the Book of Mormon.  Many couldn’t put it down.  I wanted to prove that, experience that for myself.  I’ve read the scriptural account multiple times- I’ve experienced its truth, gospel power.  It is true!  Another Testament of Jesus Christ it is.

But as you read it like a first timer, taking the earliest version,  and reading it straight through like a novel-  it speaks, and reads differently.  The characters speak to you rather than perhaps the headings, chapters and verses.  Certainly they help chronicled, cross referenced and concordanced version expands your study.  But reading it freshly transcribed, and printed- you get the personal, urgency and pointed thought that went into it by Nephi, Mormon, then Moroni.  You get the inspiration, you get a Jewish group expressing Christ living  principles. You don’t get meddled into complexing geography-you could, it’s more these people lived in a distant land, as upon “isles of the sea” And you experience a land with them, surrounded with them. Even a promised one to them.  

Read it straight through, Mark it as you go.  I guarantee it’ll speak to you.  Listen and reflect what it was written and meant for!  It’ll speak, then...

As I’ve read,  I fall into a pattern, a desire.  I want to finish it, and I can’t put it down.  In my mind, I say- what is this leading to- prophecy, visions, ancient relics, towers, hills,  battles, delivering many peoples over and over again with faith in Jesus Christ; You even “Hear Him” as announced by our Heavenly Father.

1 comment:

  1. Patterns present themselves in your reading. Leading one always to Jesus Christ.
