As you have "dived" in the topic (scriptures, study of) through the standard works. I am sure below the surface, treasures to your life journey can be carried into your heart. I identified for me:
1) Scriptures give us God's instruction for eternal life (John 5:39)
2) We should ponder the scriptures daily (Joshua1:8)
3) They bring us joy ( 2 Nephi 4:15)
4) We can receive revelation through them (Doctrine and Covenants 138:1)
As I sat back and pondered these verses I was impressed in Joshua the promise that will make "thy way prosperous and you will find success" by scripture study.
I figured this in my mind, max 5-7 minutes.
This was well worth the "dive".
I would link your dive.
"I draw lines to connect ideas. I shade verses and underline key words. When I find ideas that relate to each other, I make a scripture chain to link those ideas (see "Scripture Linking," Teaching, No Greater Call [1999], 58). I like to think of my scriptures as a workbook, so sometimes I record where I was when I gained an insight or the name of the person who taught me. That way the experience is refreshed in my memory when I read that passage again.""My Soul Delighteth in the Scriptures," Ensign, May 2004,
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