Friday, November 28, 2014

The Shield

Another post about our shield. Studying and applying scriptures consistently can only help us through life's difficulties or daily preparations (29 Yea, we see that whosoever will may lay hold upon the word of God, which is quick and powerful, which shall divide asunder all the cunning and the snares and the wiles of the devil, and lead the man of Christ in a strait and narrow course across that everlasting gulf of misery which is prepared to engulf the wicked— Book of Mormon, Helaman, Helaman 3). Go back and read the other shield posts in the blog. I believe this is the fourth entry. 

"Examine your armor. Is there an unguarded or unprotected place? Determine now to add whatever part is missing. No matter how antiquated or lacking in parts your armor may be, always remember that it is within your power to make the necessary adjustments to complete your armor." N. Eldon Tanner

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