Friday, September 5, 2014

Memorization, topic scripture

The heart is a physical organ. It is also the center of our emotional and spiritual life. Exactly how all the functions are connected no one understands, but there is an undeniable relationship. I cannot attempt to describe it for you, only how it feels for me. At the risk of sounding a little odd, I can tell you that I can ­actually feel my heart change its physical texture, size, and position, in relation to my spiritual condition. It gets hard and tiny and moves back behind my chest wall when I am angry and withdrawn and self-absorbed. On the other hand, when I am filled with love and reaching out to others, it softens and warms and moves forward—it is enlarged and full. Perhaps my mind is a trifle overactive, but the imagery works very well for me. After all, the scriptures use it—softened and enlarged, or hardened and cold—and so does Dr. Seuss, when he describes the Grinch’s heart as growing “three sizes that day. (Author Virginia Pearce-A Heart Like His-excerpt)

I am going to memorize-Proverbs 15:13, "A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken."-from this weeks dive.

I believe this scripture really expresses an attitude in our heart of being cheerful and happy. And contrasts a broken spirit by ones sorrowing, and perhaps ones hopeless perspective. As a people we need a heightened type of "heart altruism" in our living, and I simply should improve mine.

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