Friday, October 3, 2014

Treasures found

"Nebuchadnezzar, one of the most capable of ancient rulers, expected to have in his regime the best talent his new empire could provide. He found none equal to Daniel the statesman. Daniel was a man of perception, purpose, principle, prayer, purity and power. He was touched five times by heavenly beings: (1) to make him see (8:18-19); (2) to give him skill (9:21-22); (3) to make him stand (10:10-11); (4) to make him speak (10:16); and (5) to make him strong (10:18).

What God thought of Daniel is revealed when he is addressed as “highly esteemed” by heavenly beings (Daniel 9:23; 10:11, 19). Daniel stands as one of the most admirable of God’s servants in the OT. From boyhood through old age, Daniel never compromised his faith in God. He was a man of conviction and courage to the end. He dared to be a Daniel!"(Daniel decoded)°

This treasure I found from reading my Daniel reference.  I like how he was "touched five times by heavenly beings"-"1) to make him see (8:18-19); (2) to give him skill (9:21-22); (3) to make him stand (10:10-11); (4) to make him speak (10:16); and (5) to make him strong (10:18)". Plus, "Daniel was a man of perception, purpose, principle, prayer, purity and power". May we have such devotion and faith as Daniel of old manifested.

This chapter begins in chaismus form, the Book of Daniel- Chapter 1. Thus leading to the emphasis or point of the poem format from verse 1 to verse 8, and then descending back to verse 16 and 17. With this written format, the main point must be important- verse 8. See the distinguishing verse below:

8 ¶But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. (Old Testament, Daniel, Daniel 1)

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